1. Microsoft API 및 참조 카탈로그
2. English Academia
3. 점프 투 파이썬
영상처리, 기계학습, 센서 관련
1. 라온피플 아카데미
2. 홍정모 교수님 블로그
3. OpenCV2.4.13 windows 설치방법
3.1. HIGHGUI ERROR: V4L/V4L2 while opening camera with OpenCV4Tegra, L4T r24
4. Windows version of Yolo Convolutional Neural Networks
4.1. Cannot compile CUDA code in VS 2015
5. Darknet: Open Source Neural Networks in C
6. Visual Studio 2015でPCL1.8.0を使う
6.1. Point Cloud Library 1.8.0 has been released
6.2. Basic CMakeLists for PCL
6.3. PCLVisualizer
7. Open Robotics
8. SSD: Single Shot MultiBox Detector
8.1. Realtime Object Detection with SSD on Nvidia Jetson TX1
9. 모두를 위한 머신러닝과 딥러닝의 강의
9.1. Docker나 가상머신 없이 Window에서 TensorFlow 설치하기
10. Calculate derivatives online
11. 6.S094: Deep Learning for Self-Driving Cars
12. TensorFlow-Tutorials
통신 관련
1. SignalR 을 이용한 실시간 채팅 구현
1.1. Using SignalR in WinForms and WPF
3. [Program C#] Socket multiple port로 작업하기
4. UDP socket programming in winsock
4.1. winsock deprecated no warnings
5. Programming udp sockets in C on Linux
1.【Ubuntu 16.04 LTS Server】GitLabでGitサーバを構築する
컴퓨터 세팅 관련
1. [우분투] 윈도우에서 우분투 원격 데스크톱 연결 xrdp
2. 超低火力DeepLeaning環境をUbuntu16 & 750ti & Chainerで構築したよ
3. Ubuntu 16.04とCUDA でCaffeを使う
3.1. 우분투에서 Caffe 설치하기 메뉴얼
3.2. “/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lopenblas” error in Caffe compilation
4. Ubuntu16.04にCUDA8.0とChainerをインストールする
4.1. CUDA 8.0 RCをUbuntu 16.04 LTS + GTX1080にインストール
5. Ubuntu 16.04 LTSにOpenCV2.4.13をインストール
6. Install Simple Screen Recorder 0.3.8 in Ubuntu 16.04, 16.10
7. Compiling C++ on remote Linux machine - “clock skew detected” warning
8. warning file: '....' has modification time ...s in the future
9. apt-get update 時にHash Sum mismatch エラーが出力される場合の対処
ROS, Robotics 관련
1. 오로카: 오픈 로보틱스 커뮤니티
2. Particle filter
3. Modeling a Vehicle Dynamics System
4. Intel realsense r200 installation
4.1. RealSense R200の新しいROSパッケージ(realsense_camera)のインストール手順
4.2. Building RealSense Camera from Sources
임베디드 관련 (Jetson TX1, TX2)
1. JetsonHacks
1.1. http://www.jetsonhacks.com/
2. Jetson tx1とZEDのセットアップ
3. How to install libflann-dev on Ubuntu 14.10 (Utopic Unicorn)
PID, Cruise control 관련
1. 人工知能の歴史と、グーグルの自動運転車が事故を起こさないためにしていること (2/2)
2. PID process control, a “Cruise Control” example
3. PID Control Without Math
4. Adaptive Cruise Control. Udacity micro challenge.
5. Self-Tuning PID Controller for Autonomous Car Tracking in Urban Traffic
6. PyCruiseControl
7. [드론] 이중 루프를 이용하여 PID 제어 구현
1. Microsoft API 및 참조 카탈로그
2. English Academia
3. 점프 투 파이썬
영상처리, 기계학습, 센서 관련
1. 라온피플 아카데미
2. 홍정모 교수님 블로그
3. OpenCV2.4.13 windows 설치방법
3.1. HIGHGUI ERROR: V4L/V4L2 while opening camera with OpenCV4Tegra, L4T r24
4. Windows version of Yolo Convolutional Neural Networks
4.1. Cannot compile CUDA code in VS 2015
5. Darknet: Open Source Neural Networks in C
6. Visual Studio 2015でPCL1.8.0を使う
6.1. Point Cloud Library 1.8.0 has been released
6.2. Basic CMakeLists for PCL
6.3. PCLVisualizer
7. Open Robotics
8. SSD: Single Shot MultiBox Detector
8.1. Realtime Object Detection with SSD on Nvidia Jetson TX1
9. 모두를 위한 머신러닝과 딥러닝의 강의
9.1. Docker나 가상머신 없이 Window에서 TensorFlow 설치하기
10. Calculate derivatives online
11. 6.S094: Deep Learning for Self-Driving Cars
12. TensorFlow-Tutorials
통신 관련
1. SignalR 을 이용한 실시간 채팅 구현
1.1. Using SignalR in WinForms and WPF
3. [Program C#] Socket multiple port로 작업하기
4. UDP socket programming in winsock
4.1. winsock deprecated no warnings
5. Programming udp sockets in C on Linux
1.【Ubuntu 16.04 LTS Server】GitLabでGitサーバを構築する
컴퓨터 세팅 관련
1. [우분투] 윈도우에서 우분투 원격 데스크톱 연결 xrdp
2. 超低火力DeepLeaning環境をUbuntu16 & 750ti & Chainerで構築したよ
3. Ubuntu 16.04とCUDA でCaffeを使う
3.1. 우분투에서 Caffe 설치하기 메뉴얼
3.2. “/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lopenblas” error in Caffe compilation
4. Ubuntu16.04にCUDA8.0とChainerをインストールする
4.1. CUDA 8.0 RCをUbuntu 16.04 LTS + GTX1080にインストール
5. Ubuntu 16.04 LTSにOpenCV2.4.13をインストール
6. Install Simple Screen Recorder 0.3.8 in Ubuntu 16.04, 16.10
7. Compiling C++ on remote Linux machine - “clock skew detected” warning
8. warning file: '....' has modification time ...s in the future
9. apt-get update 時にHash Sum mismatch エラーが出力される場合の対処
ROS, Robotics 관련
1. 오로카: 오픈 로보틱스 커뮤니티
2. Particle filter
3. Modeling a Vehicle Dynamics System
4. Intel realsense r200 installation
4.1. RealSense R200の新しいROSパッケージ(realsense_camera)のインストール手順
4.2. Building RealSense Camera from Sources
임베디드 관련 (Jetson TX1, TX2)
1. JetsonHacks
1.1. http://www.jetsonhacks.com/
2. Jetson tx1とZEDのセットアップ
3. How to install libflann-dev on Ubuntu 14.10 (Utopic Unicorn)
PID, Cruise control 관련
1. 人工知能の歴史と、グーグルの自動運転車が事故を起こさないためにしていること (2/2)
2. PID process control, a “Cruise Control” example
3. PID Control Without Math
4. Adaptive Cruise Control. Udacity micro challenge.
5. Self-Tuning PID Controller for Autonomous Car Tracking in Urban Traffic
6. PyCruiseControl
7. [드론] 이중 루프를 이용하여 PID 제어 구현